Monday, October 17, 2011


Hello Readers!
My name is Savannah Brenyo and I have been invited to be a co-moderator with Daniel and Matthew. I am 16 years old and am the oldest of eight children. My dad is the pastor of Covenant Reformed Baptist Church and has been since it started more than six years ago.
When I was very young I began imploring Christ for salvation. My parents taught me that the only worker in salvation is the Savior and this led to my fear of calling myself saved. I didn't want to say I was saved if I wasn't. However, God's grace was showered on me and when I was 11 I was able to say with all thankfulness that I was his child.
I've been raised in the reformed tradition my whole life. Being reformed means I believe in God's sovereignty over all things. I believe he's sovereign over where I live. I've moved fourteen times. I believe he is sovereign over the health of my family. Six of my seven siblings have had blood complications when they were born. One stayed in the hospital for seventeen days. I believe he's sovereign over my life. I was conceived with a twin. During the pregnancy my parents only knew about the other baby. That baby died and my mom was rushed into surgery. After the surgery my mom was told she might never have children. Six weeks later she felt sick. She called her doctor and went into the office and he told her she was pregnant. The next day my mom had an ultrasound and instead of finding a very little baby they found a fourteen-week old healthy baby (Me!). My life was preserved through the death of my sibling, through the surgery, and through the countless medications used during and after the procedure. I am a firm believer in and a defender of God's sovereignty and grace.
I met Matthew and Daniel about six years ago through church and am continually blessed by their godly example. I hope that you are as blessed by their friendship as I have been. My prayer for this blog is that we all grow in grace and glorify our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.

Always in Christ,
Savannah Brenyo

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